
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lemony Chickpea Stir Fry

This year I set a goal of living a healthier lifestyle and providing one for my family as well. Although I've not really defined what that means, I am trying to be more conscientious of our overall diet and exercise, in particularly mine. While I'll never be able to get my family of 5 to adhere to a strict vegan, veggie, or paleo diet, I do want to try to provide healthier, more organic meals for us. Each year we plant a fairly decent sized garden so this will help on the grocery budget as well. I would like to complete my first 5K race this year. I've also been toying with the idea of a backyard chicken coop for well over a year now. I do not intend for this blog to turn into a food/recipe one, but I will occasionally share on this topic as well.

I was trying to come up with some sort of rating system for these recipes. I think for now I'll go with a five star system and will award one star for each of my family members, including myself, that was willing to eat a fair portion. Let me add that a 3/5 star rating will actually be the norm on these as my youngest two (ages 3 & 5) are a lot more finicky eaters than my 12 year old and husband.

Let's get started...

Lemony Chickpea Stir Fry - 3/5

You can find the recipe here.  This recipe alone contains 3 ingredients that I've never cooked with before in my life; chickpeas, kale, and tofu.  I tweaked the recipe a little bit, I used regular salt and instead of lemon juice I used balsamic vinaigrette.  Next time I make it (yes, I said NEXT TIME), I might try adding some yellow squash or red peppers too.  It was definitely a different taste than we're used to however I really liked how much better I felt afterwards.  I didn't feel sluggish or overly bloated and I wasn't hungry again later in the evening.  As you can see, this recipe received a 3/5 star younger two wouldn't even go near it.  I accept responsibility for that and I'm hoping after many attempts at providing healthier choices, their palettes will begin to change.
Good eating...